for purchase price allocation data, economic useful life data, impairment and discount rate data

Purchase Price Allocation record
[ 1 ]

Economic Useful Life record
[ 1 ]

Discount Rate record
[ 1 ]

PPAnalyser products

An online database that provides 3 databases in 1

Purchase Price Allocation data

Access purchase price allocation data from over 13,753 purchase price allocation studies disclosed publically.

Economic useful
life data

Get access to economic useful life assumptions used in over 7,443 valuation studies.

Discount rate

Obtain insight on discount rates used in over 1,392 PPA and impairment studies.

About PPAnalyser

PPAnalyser is a subscription database of purchase price allocation, economic useful life and discount rate disclosures

PPAnalyser offers a powerful search engine that enables users to search online by keyword, intangible asset type, industry code and other search fields in order to identify details on specific purchase price allocations or economic useful life and discount rate disclosures. The search results include full-text of PPA disclosures, full details on the allocation of the purchase price, useful life assumptions, discount rates and impairment amounts. The consolidated result screens provide summary statistics of the selected dataset including illustrative graphs.

Why our users like PPAnalyser

Global data coverage

Data is extracted from annual reports of companies across over 50 countries on all continents.

Highest coverage in the market

PPAnalyser is the biggest database of PPA- and impairment related data with the highest level of detail.

Datacover over 20 intangble assets

PPA and impairment data is segmented across 20 intangibles asset classes.

Full access - All data is available

Our full access subscription provides full access to data across all 3 databases.

We are based in Amsterdam

Strawinskylaan 1353, 1077 XX Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +31 20 2337198